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  2. Literatura
  3. One Hundred Years of Solitude

Colonel Aureliano Buendía (2nd Generation) tipo de personalidade mbti

Colonel Aureliano Buendía (2nd Generation) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Colonel Aureliano Buendía (2nd Generation)? Colonel Aureliano Buendía (2nd Generation) es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 5w4 - sp/so - en enneagram, en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

He's almost shouting "I'M A NI DOM" at times, those weird premonitions, knowing things with no evidence, the obsession with alchemy etc.


Literatura caracteres semelhantes a Colonel Aureliano Buendía (2nd Generation)
