1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Televisão
  3. Violetta (2012)

Diego Hernández tipo de personalidade mbti

Diego Hernández tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Diego Hernández? Diego Hernández es un tipo de personalidad ESTP en mbti, 7w8 - - 738 en enneagram, SCUEN en Big 5, SEE en Socionics."

This guy is such an ESTP 7w8. Like a lot of ESTPs have this natural charm and he absolutely EXUDES this. He's full of Se-like charm and charisma. He's impulsive and brash and all he wants to do is have fun living in the moment. He also gets a really strange boost of Fe in the third season that kinda comes out of nowhere.

