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Giera Toph tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Giera Toph? Giera Toph es un tipo de personalidad ISFJ en mbti, 6w5 - so/sp - 631 en enneagram, RCOAI en Big 5, LSI en Socionics."

Ughhh I really need to play the game again but I think aux Fe>Te works for him because I mean in his character development and in his ending he's really concerned about how others perceive him, if he's a good king to them etc. And like even if the fact that the fact he's cautious with aliens could seem like Si>Te (It was a fact that a war happened) but I feel like it just threw him in a Si-Ti loop cause he still acted paranoid even when outsiders weren't much of a threat anymore. Anyways thx Eddie and Fukuro for helping him developing his Fe. Big five: Extraversion Warmth: moderate to low Excitement-seeking: low Assertiveness: moderate Gregariousness: low Positive emotions: moderate to low Activity level: moderate Reserved > Social Natural reactions Anxiety: high Moodiness/contentement : high Self-indulgence: low Angry hostility: moderate to high Self-consciousness: high Sensitivity to stress: high Limbic > Calm Conscientiousness Sense of competence: high Sense of responsibility: high Self-discipline: high Orderliness: high Achievement-striving: moderate to high Deliberateness: high Organized > Unstructured Agreeableness Trust in others: low Altruism: high Modesty: high Sincerity: high Compliance: moderate to low Sympathy: moderate Accommodating > Egocentric Openness to experience Imagination: moderate to low Depth of emotions: high Intellect: high Artistic interests: low Adventurousness: low Liberalism: low Non-curious > Inquisitive


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