1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Literatura
  3. American Girl (Book Series)

Molly McIntire tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Molly McIntire? Molly McIntire es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 6w5 - - en enneagram, RCOAN en Big 5, en Socionics."

If we’re right about her being an ISTJ, she’s definitely one of the more fun and compelling ones in literature, and not a stereotype. Yes, she’s annoyed by Ricky’s bad behavior. Yes, she’s very patriotic (and SHOULD be IMO). But she’s not some little goody two shoes. Bullies like Dorinda get on her nerves. And sometimes…sometimes…GASP!!!…ISTJs don’t eat their turnips. (I could relate to that incident SO HARD as a kid, and the disgusted turnip illustration in the original book from the 80s. And even though I’m an INFP, not an ISTJ, I would have done the same thing, sitting at the table forever and letting them get cold. I once chewed on the same awful bite of peas for 30 minutes instead of just giving up and spitting it.)


Literatura caracteres semelhantes a Molly McIntire
