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Miki Kawai tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Miki Kawai? Miki Kawai es un tipo de personalidad ESFJ en mbti, 2w3 - sp/so - 261 en enneagram, en Big 5, ESE en Socionics."

Christ I came back from reading the manga, what a narcissistic little b**** she is. When Shouko came back from the hospital, the first thing this girl did (other than smack her) was yell at her for worrying everyone and tell her that everyone has suffered in life. Mf did it ever occur to you that the reason why she tried to kill herself was that she was tired of worrying everyone 😐😐? Is now really the time to start preaching about thinking of others? And the audacity to call herself kind right after that. It's disappointing that Shouko never told her or Naoka off, that would've been satisfying. Before mods come for me, I think that Kawai is a very obvious unhealthy Fe Dom. Always adopting the majority opinion, laughing at Shouko's bullying when everyone else was doing it yet immediately switching sides when people start condemning her bullies.

