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Sergei Dragunov tipo de personalidade mbti

Sergei Dragunov tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Sergei Dragunov? Sergei Dragunov es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 514 en enneagram, RCOEN en Big 5, LSI en Socionics."

Likely his tritype 3w4 6w5 1w9 3w4 - his worth based on both his goal and higher rank as a Spetsnaz. Not showing any little hint of discomfort nor utter a word plus zero interest of socialisation that's why he's being perceived by everyone as cold and calculating, as well as intimidating. He's only focus on his mission is to track down the devil gene and nothing else. 6w5- doing his job as a soldier and protect his motherland Russia, and with his wing 5 secrecy by himself as very cryptic person. I think wing 5 makes seems that he must take well calculated goals in every plan and move to prevent unnecessary nuisance. 1w9 - sheer brute force for good of his duty and himself instead of force for enjoyment or nothing at all. Silent, Brutal and Forceful type. Yet, he's very self controlled when things need to be done. He may be pragmatic and practical. At the same time, has an ideals to remain his reputation respectable. I can sense him he's a very perfectionist person.


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