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  3. Kill Bill (2003)

Bill AKA Snakecharmer tipo de personalidade mbti

Bill AKA Snakecharmer tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Bill AKA Snakecharmer? Bill AKA Snakecharmer es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 9w8 - sx/so - 854 en enneagram, SCOEI en Big 5, LIE en Socionics."

Bill's "Superman and Clark Kent" monologue was one of the biggest Ne speech in movie history. His enneagram is not 9, he shares non of desires and fears of 9. Meanwhile, he shares most of self-preservation 8's traits/desires/patterns, that's literally explains everything about him: "Self-Preservation Eights know how to do business—according to Naranjo, they know how to barter and bargain and get the upper hand over anybody. Because they are strong, powerful, direct, and productive, they may generate dependency in others who come to rely on their control and protection. The Self-Preservation Eight is the most “armed” and protected of all of the Eights—this is a more Five-ish Eight. They tend to possess a quiet strength; they are survivors who communicate strength without feeling the need to explain themselves. For them—at times, at least—kindness and good intentions don’t exist. In their need to be strong to meet their needs, they may devalue the world of feelings. And they may not be aware of the damage they cause to others. These Eights may seek revenge without knowing why. In this way Self-Preservation Eights differ from the Social Eight or the Sexual Eight personality, both of which usually have a specific reason for acting in vengeful ways. This subtype appears more aggressive than the Social Eight (especially in men) and less openly provocative and charismatic than the Sexual Eight."


The former leader of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad. He is also the former lover of the Bride and the father of her daughter. He is the final and eponymous target of the Bride's revenge.

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