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Emilio Murkmere tipo de personalidade mbti

Emilio Murkmere tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Emilio Murkmere? Emilio Murkmere es un tipo de personalidad INTP en mbti, 5w4 - sx/so - 548 en enneagram, RCOEI en Big 5, ILI en Socionics."

I think Emilio is also 5 sx/so and not So blind, he has a great understanding of social hierarchy, as seen in that one scene where his dad takes him to work. He has the typical rose-colored glasses Sp blind sees the world through. With his idealism and how he doesn't think twice about throwing himself onto Tobias. Although I understand where the So blind consensus comes from. 5 sx/so is interesed in the community, but in an observant, appreciative kind of way. He's too unconcerned with his own safety to not be Sp blind.


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