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Emilio Murkmere tipo de personalidade mbti

Emilio Murkmere tipo de personalidade mbti image


"Que tipo de personalidade é Emilio Murkmere? Emilio Murkmere é um tipo de personalidade INTP em mbti, 5w4 - sx/so - 548 em enneagram, RCOEI em Big 5, ILI em sociônicos."

I think Emilio is also 5 sx/so and not So blind, he has a great understanding of social hierarchy, as seen in that one scene where his dad takes him to work. He has the typical rose-colored glasses Sp blind sees the world through. With his idealism and how he doesn't think twice about throwing himself onto Tobias. Although I understand where the So blind consensus comes from. 5 sx/so is interesed in the community, but in an observant, appreciative kind of way. He's too unconcerned with his own safety to not be Sp blind.


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