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Young Kratos (Pre-2018) tipo de personalidade mbti

Young Kratos (Pre-2018) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Young Kratos (Pre-2018)? Young Kratos (Pre-2018) es un tipo de personalidad ESTJ en mbti, 8w9 - sp/sx - 863 en enneagram, RLUEN en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

"A Spartan Never Lets His Back Hit The Ground!" Even this quote reeks of Te-Si. How can he be Se-Ti? There is nothing that he cannot sacrifice for the sake of his goal. "ARES! DESTROY MY ENEMIES! AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!" He makes one of the greatest sacrifices that a general tasked with winning the war will make for the sake of the goal. And this quote is pure Te-Si.


Message to mods: Please do not merge with the main Kratos profile. THIS PROFILE IS MADE ONLY FOR KRATOS FROM God of War: Ascension. God of War: Chains of Olympus. God of War (2005) God of War: Ghost of Sparta. God of War: Betrayal. God of War II. God of War III. God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla DLC

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