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Mimir tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Mimir? Mimir es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 7w6 - so/sx - 713 en enneagram, SCUAI en Big 5, ILE en Socionics."

Mimir has been voted as E5 because of stereotypes but as others have pointed out the man doesn't fear being engulfed by the world and he clearly shows E7's gluttony, wit, charlatanism, planning, expansive style and approach, rebellious intellectualism, self-confidence and a thirst for knowledge and ideas and he shows the Social 7's desire to share information and knowledge. He's a classic example of an ENTP Social 7. ENTP is also a very obvious typing for him. He's way too confident with social interactions and concerned about group harmony to be an INTP. Plus he's very excitable and lacks the dispassionateness that Ti dominant types usually have and he's very scattered and has a ton of random knowledge about everything. He's someone who enjoys exploring for the sake of exploring and seeks to maintain group harmony to some extent which fits MBTI's ENTP very well.

