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  3. Love Island USA

Kaylor (S6) tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Kaylor (S6)? Kaylor (S6) es un tipo de personalidad ESFJ en mbti, 2w3 - sp/sx - 279 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

im voting her ESFJ for now but i'm not 100% certiain but here's my reasons: Fe - i think kaylor is a good example of an unhealthy Fe user. she wears her heart on her sleeve so much that its a problem, she also seems really needy and unable to form her own opinion unless she has input from other sources Si - i know tha Si is a function that needs a lot of familiarity, safety and 'tried-and-true' methods and kaylor seems to portray that A LOT in the episode when she got the video call with her family. it seemed to give her a bit of confidence and i saw this again in the reunion, she was wayy more bold and confident after getting to be with her family and be at home again... it really helped her. also the way she immediately latched onto liv, very Si behaviour Ne - idk didn't really see Ne tert but i didn't think i needed to because the dom and aux were and quite obv Ti - like i said for her Fe dom, she had a very hard time throughout the whole show forming her own solid opinions and doing things because it made sense to her and not because of anyone else's influence and also i noticed the only time she would do something 'out of character' or 'something she just wanted to' was to get back at aaron and make him feel bad so... yeah it makes sense that she's a Ti inf

