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Kashino Makoto tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Kashino Makoto? Kashino Makoto es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 1w9 - - 135 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

Alright following the thread below, time for my ISTJ Kashino argument. As much as I see INTJ as a possibility, the more I think about it the more ISTJ makes a lot more sense. I think his type can be analysed with a pretty simple approach: Hes a very grounded, straightforward and simplistic person, he's cautious, meticulous and favours the familiar. He doesnt seek out abstract impressions or deeper meaning to things, like an Ni dom would, nor is he disconnected from the physical and concrete world. Hes very in tune with physical sensations and when you look at his approach to sweets making, its a consistent routine, same time at night, same activity, refining, and he does this by constantly comparing with his subjective physical sensations of the past, something that he became familiar over years of watching his uncle do the same thing, which is why sweets and chocolate in particular holds so much meaning for him, because of its association with his past. Its familiar to him and it works for him, and it holds that subjective meaning for him by association, leading him to refuse to compromise on this (low Ne, not open to new ideas or changing things up for the sake of it) - its a combination of SiFi. His SiTe combination is also clear in his firm clearly defined objectives and also in the way he never works out recipies or combinations for himself like a Ti user would but instead memorises the textbooks inside and out and can pull from that catelogue of information whenever he wants to achieve the most efficient results. When you compare it to the very unconventional approach of Ichigo who tends to do whatever she feels works and is new and interesting to her (NeFi), without the objective facts about the processes, hes usually pretty baffled by this, he sticks to recipes like theyre gods word, this is peak Te. Also for his Fi: Ichigo: "its the chocolate that you love right? You cant give up" Kashino: "I dont understand love...but the feelings I have that I want to make delicious chocolate, is the strongest" His personal values and past are what drives him, and he will never compromise on telling it how it is to appease someone else, (his Fi is why he was able to break from his family's tradition of being doctors with no regard for their values). He has no Fe, even for inferior, and his way of taking care of people is just to point out the flaws in what theyre doing and show them the objectively better way to do it, which is how Te works. Id also like to point at that one episode where Choco disappeared without telling him and when she doesnt return he starts imagining really crazy scenarios of what could have happened to her "Dont say she...Since shes dressed in black, she mightve been mistaken for the crows chick and gotten caught by it...Nah that cant be it. No, could it be...she was trapped in a giant spiders web and couldnt escape?!" This sounded a lot like inferior Ne catastrophising to me, while under stress/worrying. but there we go, this may have been escessive as an argument for a page series that doesnt get much attention, I just get carried away easily. Im open to discussion if anyone disagrees with me (also its 1am that im writing this so theres bound to be mistakes)


Anime e mangá caracteres semelhantes a Kashino Makoto
