Yūtarō Namigaki tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Yūtarō Namigaki? Yūtarō Namigaki es un tipo de personalidad INTJ en mbti, 6w7 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, ESI en Socionics."

Ok so I'm between ISTJ and INTJ, I'm not that good at typing, so that's why I'm confused and I think his behavior kinda matches an Ni-Fi loop more than an Si-Fi loop, but I can also see characteristics of Si-Fi so I have no idea lolol (he could even not be looped to begin with!). *Spoilers* We could see through his description that he always had a troublesome past, when he was raised by his maids and butlers instead of his parents and made him already develop bad habits like materialism and a lack of a secure figure, which caused him to grow attached to a maid and she somewhat represented a mom figure. I'm commenting this also because maybe (cuz I suck at enneagram, so this could be a bold or not claim) he could be an unhealthy 6w7. Engaging on a material life (and reckless, like speeding up to impress a girl), meanwhile also seeming to need and/or chase a security figure (I can't be so sure of that as his character is one of the least developed in the game, but I'd say through inferring that might have been the reasing he'd look to date Ayame). About his MBTI, I think hitting the girl on the accident caused him to become looped. That way, dwelling about the past even more and becoming desperate his security was lost, he'd seek any way to try fixing the error he committed (which is why I think he'd be looped, I don't think ppl with Te would find any logic on researching about the Rite of Ressurections as it sounds unrealistic and unreliable). Although this part was a bit contradictory in the game (like how he was quick to try killing someone who is a curse bearer, meanwhile Ayame said it took him so long to use his curse on someone), he seemed to have a plan and could quickly get a grasp of the situation he was in (as this could be both Ni or Si tbh). I think maybe he'd act a bit impulsive (obviously because his plan would already guarantee the higher ground, as he knows how his curse works and infers it's strong), but also maybe because instead of Te analysing and digesting the information he just gathered through Si/Ni, he is using his Fi for his decisionmaking. At last, talking about his inferior function, I'd say *maybe* Se makes sense, since he can be *somewhat* reckless, but that would make my theory that he looped after the accident fall apart. I'm not a MBTI savvy, so I'm not gonna gamble on anything because I also don't wanna spread misinformation (I could already be doing that by trying to guess his MBTI and Enneagram, but this is just me trying to do something fun, whilst trying something that I'm not good at). tl;dr: I think he could be either ISTJ or INTJ, tho I think his behavior somewhat looks more of a looped INTJ than ISTJ, since the behavior might seem more of what you'd expect of an INTJ to behave like, but there is a chance he is ISTJ.


Yutaro Namigaki (並垣 祐太郎)is a recurring curse bearer in the game

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