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  3. Renfield (2023)

Rebecca Quincy tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Rebecca Quincy? Rebecca Quincy es un tipo de personalidad ESTJ en mbti, 1w2 - - 136 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

ESTJ: Rebecca hates the fact that she’s still a beat cop writing traffic tickets to boozy housewives rather than cleaning up the real crime in the city, and she resents the people who don’t let her prove her competency. She has an acid tongue, and is forever asserting herself against her superiors, but also knows she has to walk some kind of professional line to get taken seriously in the business. She knows Renfield was involved somehow in the murders at the church, but also sees the benefit of letting him work with her to take down his boss. She simply accepts the fact that Dracula exists, because she’s seen enough evidence to prove that something supernatural and evil is happening. Rebecca is also very studious, by the book, and sees details as important. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became a cop for several reasons, but one was to find a way to avenge him. She’s pretty down to earth, thinks that if she stacks up enough evidence against people, the force will have no choice but to lock these hoodlums up, etc. She manages to trap Dracula in a sacred circle by “following the directions on some Wicca tumblr post.” She shows lower Ne mainly in her adaptability and being able to see through things once in awhile, but her inferior Fi is more apparent. She’s not forthcoming with any emotion except her rage, she doesn’t talk about her feelings, and she is detached enough to make decisions that are ‘right’ or moral more than focused in her own feelings (being willing to sacrifice resurrecting her dead sister to defeat Dracula. 1w9: To say that Rebecca has rage issues would be an understatement; she is perpetually pissed off about everything, always snapping at people at work, calling people corrupt and idiots, and telling them to f-off. But part of her frustration is that she’s working for and with a bunch of corrupt hoods that got her father shot while working on the force, and she wants to clean up the city and make things right/good again. Renfield impresses her when they first meet because she sees him as heroic for saving her life, and says not many people would have the courage to do that. But she also challenges a bad guy to shoot her in the face, refusing to show fear or back down in the face of his antagonism. She also misleads Dracula just long enough to try and fry him with letting in the sunlight, because he thought he could “buy her off” with offering to resurrect her sister. She has very rigid values and a strong personal sense of right and wrong, but is both impressed by Renfield’s pure savagery and a little disturbed by it (“when people say they’ve seen some things… well, this is going to be my thing”). (FunkyMBTI)


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