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  2. Videogames
  3. Disco Elysium

Tommy Le Homme / Jerry Lefitte tipo de personalidade mbti

Tommy Le Homme / Jerry Lefitte tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Tommy Le Homme / Jerry Lefitte? Tommy Le Homme / Jerry Lefitte es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w5 - sp/so - 496 en enneagram, RCUAI en Big 5, IEI en Socionics."

This guy is the archetype of what I think when I think of what a cool INFP would look like. Some nomadic poet type, laid back but emotionally intense when it gets down to it.


Tommy Le Homme is a character in Disco Elysium. A young family man pacing anxiously near his lorry, stuck in the traffic jam for several days with the others. He is a bit more talented than one might assume, doing a tedious, dead-end job just to keep the family afloat. Tends to wax poetic when gets emotional (stressed, irritated, anxious), especially when discussing his family or FALN, where they live.

Videogames caracteres semelhantes a Tommy Le Homme / Jerry Lefitte
