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  3. Love Next Door (2024)

Bae Seok-Ryu tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Bae Seok-Ryu? Bae Seok-Ryu es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 3w4 - sx/sp - 371 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

Just because the TV show said she’s j doesn’t mean she is actually j. Korean dramas don’t really have a bright history of guessing MBTI right. (Eg. saying an ISTJ is Infp in my demon series. Saying the couple is extra incompatible in home town cha cha cha series (same directors as this one) while they were ISTJ and ESTP) •Why P?: She does so many haphazard things. She suddenly hides under a box. Suddenly holds her friend’s legs. Climbs up to the room taking out a freakin hammer or sth. She suddenly goes jump in the pool without thinking about possible consequences. Also the fact that she couldn’t really save money and would spend it on ridiculous things cause she’s “free and young” sounds way more p than j. As for her planning even her break I think it’s just stress planning. She doesn’t even have fun with her plan. It can be an annoying habit from working in a big corporation since they all must plan to meet the deadlines. •Why not ENFP? Also why possible Ti user? She sounds way too indifferent for an ENFP. She doesn’t take things seriously or is not fighting for anything serious or didn’t even have dreams(so I’m not seeing any Fi in her). She seems smart enough to pull every good university and carrier off(Ti user) and then now that it’s hard and she’s been keeping it up because of her parents (weak Fe) she has finally given up and left everything. •Why Not an Fe user? I agree her Fe is too bold and she looks like an ENFJ but I think her dominant function is Ne. She’s known to be smart and random. In my opinion since she was a first child she had responsibilities and that made her Fe to develop quite well. (Being surrounded by her INFJ and ENFJ friends also helps) But since it’s a weak function and she’s not an Fe user she ends up over-using it and being drowned in guilt all the time. If she was an Fe user we HAD to see her use her Fe AND feel well about it(Like her friend or the leading male. They help people and feel great about it), but her Fe keeps getting in the way and upsets her. When a function is weak, controlling it (especially in a positive way) is hard.


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