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  3. Ender’s Game Saga

Colonel Hyrum Graff tipo de personalidade mbti

Colonel Hyrum Graff tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Colonel Hyrum Graff? Colonel Hyrum Graff es un tipo de personalidad ENTJ en mbti, - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

I don’t think he has enough Fi for it to be tertiary, he reoriented an entire system for the sake of a single objective and had no regard for general ethics or his consequences of his actions. His tunnel vision is refined by auxiliary Ni and delivered by dominant Te, I also think se vaguely manifests itself in his planning ability, he made a statement about how he doesn’t need everything to follow a plan or schedule (unless it’s related to his objective) I think his Ni helps deduct the skill and promise of future commanders before they have matured and trusts their potential to evolve into his vision of how it should be.


The head of Battle School and the person in charge of finding someone to stop the Buggers. Graff is responsible for Ender's upbringing in Battle School, for good or ill.

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