Lup Taaco tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Lup Taaco? Lup Taaco es un tipo de personalidad ESFP en mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 874 en enneagram, SLUAI en Big 5, en Socionics."

(SPOILER WARNING FOR THE STOLEN CENTURY ARC) these two quotes cement se-fi for me: “Listen. That stuff I was saying down there — that wasn’t just talk. I believe that, one of these times, we’re gonna get it right. And we’re gonna find a way to defeat the Hunger and save everybody inside of it. I have to believe that, to keep doing what we do. Because I have to believe that I’m gonna get those fifteen dollars back from Greg f***ing Grimaldis.” ... “Seriously, though, it got— we got dark down there. I know this journey’s been hard, and it’s only going to get harder, but we can’t allow ourselves to get to that place again. To even think about destroying an entire world. We need to promise each other, right now, we won’t let one another get to that place. Never again.”


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