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  3. Garten of Banban

Banban tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Banban? Banban es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 5w6 - sp/so - 538 en enneagram, SLUEI en Big 5, ILE en Socionics."

Ne: Banban's ability to devise plans, manipulate situations, and come up with novel solutions suggests a strong use of the Ne role. They look for future possibilities, connections, and patterns. Ti: The tendency to analyze and solve problems logically, along with the desire to understand how things work internally, can be related to the Ti role. They evaluate information objectively and systematically. Fe: Although it is not so prominent in the dialogues, some manipulation and adaptation to situations can be perceived. This could reflect the occasional use of Fe to navigate social interactions and understand the needs of others. Si: Sometimes impulsive tendencies and the need for control could be indicative of the Si function in a lower place. They tend to face new situations based on past patterns. Enneagram 5w6: The search for deep knowledge, introspection and a tendency to withdraw emotionally can be related to Type 5. This person seems to value information and understanding. The tendency to anticipate trouble, concern for security and control, as well as occasional manipulation, could reflect an influence from Wing 6. Why isn't it ESTJ? Te: ESTJs tend to be pragmatic and logical leaders. They prefer to make decisions based on hard facts and data. In dialogues, he does not display a predominant focus on making decisions based on logic and facts, indicating a different preference from Te. Si: ESTJs tend to be detail oriented and rely on past experience to guide their actions. While Banban demonstrates a focus on detail at times, it doesn't appear to be the helper function. Ne: ESTJs tend to be less developed in intuition and exploring future possibilities. However, in dialogue, Banban displays a focus on intuitive thinking (Ne) when devising plans and manipulating situations. Fi: ESTJs tend to have less development in the introverted feeling function. While this person demonstrates some introspection and internal struggle, it does not appear to be the weakest function.


A red monster and the lead mascot of Banban's Kindergarten. His motto is to share and care or he'll take your pancreas.

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