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"The Ghost Face" - Danny Johnson / "Jed Olsen" tipo de personalidade mbti

"The Ghost Face" - Danny Johnson / "Jed Olsen" tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es "The Ghost Face" - Danny Johnson / "Jed Olsen"? "The Ghost Face" - Danny Johnson / "Jed Olsen" es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 3w4 - sp/sx - 378 en enneagram, RCOEI en Big 5, ILE en Socionics."

His new tome is certainly leaning me more toward ENTP. Attended a college course just to argue with his professor and prove him wrong, not to mention choosing his next victim just because he had a boring plain name. Totally at random and to send some evil message that anyone could be next causing people to fear him more, and the news will no doubt give him the ego boost he's looking for too both feeding that unhealthy Fe of his. He lost his temper when he saw that his idea and his message was being mocked, hell dropped everything he'd planned to kill those three guys because he hated how wrong they were when discussing horror, and what not. fragile Fe combined with an even more fragile Ego. Boiled down Danny is really just a horror nerd, with an unstable ego, and a need to be feared.


After committing multiple murder sprees in Utah and Philadelphia, Danny Johnson came to the town of Roseville under the alias "Jed Olsen", quickly landing himself a job at The Roseville Gazette. However, after a few months, he began to stalk various members of the town, dressed in a black cloak and a white mask. He began to map out their routines, taking pictures of their house and studying them before finally striking, brutally murdering his prey. Jed used these killings as fuel for the newspapers, writing article after article of the "Ghost Face Killer". As proud as he was of the murders and the resulting stories from them, however, evidence soon began pointing to him as the killer. When he realized this, he fled from Roseville, leaving behind only a note for the police. Danny continued his work as Ghost Face in the next place he found, quickly building up a collection of newspapers and photos from the crimes, but The Entity soon took notice and invited him to join The Fog. He gladly accepted.

Videogames caracteres semelhantes a "The Ghost Face" - Danny Johnson / "Jed Olsen"
