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Wish for More Wishes tipo de personalidade mbti

Wish for More Wishes tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Wish for More Wishes? Wish for More Wishes es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 3w4 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

these smartasses 🙄🙄🙄🙄


When someone is owed a limited number of wishes by a genie or other wish-granting entity, the first thing many of them try to do use one of their wishes to bypass the numerical limitation. Of course, it's rarely that simple. Not that any of that necessarily stops particularly persistent, wily people from continuing to probe for loopholes (such as using one wish to develop a way to locate other genie lamps and another wish for a means to develop teleportation, allowing the user to gain access to other genie lamps around the world). If the restriction is not by the genie's choice, freeing the genie can sometimes allow them to continue helping the person beyond the otherwise-allowed number of wishes... as long as they can be trusted to keep their end of the bargain and don't lose their power. Of course, they never said you couldn't wish for more genies... And also, just because you can wish to have more wishes, doesn't mean the genie will GRANT those extra wishes.
