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  2. Cultura pop
  3. Actors and Actresses (USA)

Keyla Monterroso Mejia tipo de personalidade mbti

Keyla Monterroso Mejia tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Keyla Monterroso Mejia? Keyla Monterroso Mejia es un tipo de personalidad INFJ en mbti, 6w7 - sp/so - 649 en enneagram, RLOAI en Big 5, en Socionics."


Keyla Monterroso Mejia is an American actress and comedian widely known for playing Maria Sofia Estrada on Season 11 of HBO's sitcom series Curb Your Enthusiasm and Ashley Garcia in the second season of Abbott Elementary. She was born in Hawthorne, California, in Los Angeles County in 1998. Curb was her first major role, she had minor roles in other TV shows. Mejia is a first generation-American of Guatemalan and Mexican descent. She grew up in the Inland Empire region of California.

Cultura pop celebridade semelhante a Keyla Monterroso Mejia
