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Ronn Chambara, The Tormented One tipo de personalidade mbti

Ronn Chambara, The Tormented One tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Ronn Chambara, The Tormented One? Ronn Chambara, The Tormented One es un tipo de personalidad INFP en mbti, 4w5 - sp/so - en enneagram, en Big 5, IEI en Socionics."

Ingame lore: "Ronn Chambara was once a mortal poet who believed that great art could only be born out of pain and suffering." Self-preservation 4's masochism: "The bad image of oneself, the lack of esteem with which one is in contact, and the idea of not deserving lead him to even tolerate humiliating conditions, especially in the relational sphere. The thirst for belonging, the need for love and recognition are such that they lead the subject to tolerate without limits, with the expectation that this tolerance will be interpreted by the other as a sign of love and appreciation." Definitely a self-preservation 4. This also seems like Se suggestive, so IEI > any other type.


The Tormented One is a new god in Fear & Hunger. Also known as Ronn Chambara when he still walked among men, he was part of the Fellowship that sought out to become one of the new gods.

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