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  3. Harold and Kumar

Kumar Patel tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Kumar Patel? Kumar Patel es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 7w8 - sx/so - 784 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

Kumar Patel is such a streamliner of what-ifs it's hard to imagine how he could not be an Ne dominant, and between subjective thinking and subjective feeling Kumar most often indicates a lack of subjective feeling in favor of a subjective thinking preference. ✅ Notice his consciousness of subjective optics/symbols/vantage (Ti) is strong, but it's not where his locus of attention goes. ✅ Notice his locus of attention goes toward objective knowledge/expectancy (Ne). ✅ Notice he speculates on Ti toward Ne. Harold : "I want that." Kumar : "What? A Hot Dog Heaven super chili cheese dog?" Harold : "No. I want that feeling. The feeling that comes over a man when he gets exactly what he desires. I need that feeling!" Kumar : "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Harold : "We gotta go to White Castle." Kumar : "YES! YES! I knew you had it in you dude!" This dialogue example Kumar speculating on the subjective optics/symbols/vantage (Ti) in what Harold (an ISTJ) is saying. ✅ Notice Kumar can't quite grasp the subjective feeling aspect to what his friend says. ✅ Notice his inference of "I knew you had it in you dude" can be read as a detachment from understanding of formulaic being (Fi) in favor of functional being (Ti). ✅ Notice Kumar has to ask "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" That's a lack of Fi right there. Harold : [yelling] "How is that not the worse news?" Kumar : [calmly] "The laptop situation really only affects you, whereas the White Castle situation affects us both equally." Kumar Patel is most probable an ENTP.

