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Larry Lawton (Larry Lawton Jewel Thief) tipo de personalidade mbti

Larry Lawton (Larry Lawton Jewel Thief) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Larry Lawton (Larry Lawton Jewel Thief)? Larry Lawton (Larry Lawton Jewel Thief) es un tipo de personalidad ESTJ en mbti, 8w7 - sx/so - 862 en enneagram, SCOEN en Big 5, SLE en Socionics."

It's worth mentioning this, he used to be quite the sort of party animal type guy, a tough guy, a real sort of ''live life to the full'' money, women, nice cars, nice houses, kind of person. I think if we type him as he is now, he may be a completely different type than before because he's obviously not the same person anymore. He's interesting though, in prison he read a lot, studied a lot, even learned enough about the law to cause big problems and fight the corrupt system with logic and reason. He cooked everybody food, helped other prisoners out. So, I don't know, I can't type him.


Former Jewel Thief turned YouTuber. Spent 12 years in prison. Tells his stories from prison and from his book he wrote about his experience.

Internet celebridade semelhante a Larry Lawton (Larry Lawton Jewel Thief)
