Esora Shimizu tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Esora Shimizu? Esora Shimizu es un tipo de personalidad ESFJ en mbti, 3w2 - sx/so - en enneagram, SCOAI en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."

after reading her card stories, i saw that she collects every single thing peaky pkey have made together (CDs, t-shirts, etc) and she doesn't want the future to come, in fact she's very scared (not very Ni aux of her). she's also good at planning and likes to be in charge of things (Si) so she's either ENFJ in a Fe-Se loop (i think) or ESFJ if i said something wrong please tell me!! i'm still learning about typology :) edit: i looked up for more info about Fe-Se loops and i don't think it suits Esora "ENFJ's in Fe-Se loops are either overly empathic and completely self-sacrificing because they're ignoring the self-preservation possibilities that come from Ni-Ti, or are either completely manipulative, disorderly and selfish in trying to control others to provide them with environments where they can be happy, because again they're ignoring the insights and rationalizations being fed in through Ni-Ti." she's neither of those, she's very healthy and she knows her own capacities, she also doesn't self sacrifice for anyone, she does her best to support her friends and be a good leader in the cheerleader story, but without overworking nor manipulating anyone. "Constantly living "in the moment" and not able to see the consequences of their actions and words on themselves or others" she does live in the moment, but she's also able to see the consequences of her actions and thinks very rationally, that's why she's the planner of pkpk. "Unable to plan long-term and living only for the fulfilment of short term goals with respect to others and themselves. It becomes harder for them to become decisive about their own plans and they start living in a sort of day-to-day mode which is unnatural for the ENFJ who's an inherent planner" in pkpk's unit story 1 she's very good at negotiating and planning for her clients, so i don't think this applies to her, i don't have much proofs about this though. "Combination of Fe-Se means over-socialization, and over-valuing of external validation and things that feed the senses. This means .. looking for material and personal gain, image building and fleeting social relationships where the ENFJ is either in it for personal gain, or overly sacrificing" as i said before, she doesn't manipulate anyone nor sacrifice herself, so i think it's very clear that she isn't in a Fe-Se loop and she's probably just ESFJ with high Se as i said before, if i made any mistakes, please correct me!! :)


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