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The Voices of Nerat tipo de personalidade mbti

The Voices of Nerat tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es The Voices of Nerat? The Voices of Nerat es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 7w8 - sp/so - 738 en enneagram, SLUEI en Big 5, EIE en Socionics."


Many questions surround the most enigmatic of Archons. Only Kyros and the eldest Archons remember the Voices’ origin, and the answers to questions about his identity may grant power over the Archon. Or they may be merely a series of false trails, mysteries engendered by the Archon to distract his enemies. Beyond all of the questions, a few facts are known. The Voices serves Kyros with a fanatic’s devotion. Even the slightest hint of treason is enough to draw his wrath. Many believe this is the reason that the Voices despises Graven Ashe with such intensity; he refuses to forgive even though the Overlord accepted Ashe’s surrender. The Voices of Nerat has formed his own army under Kyros rule. Forsaking the whispers of his spies and the sanguine gloom of his torture chambers, the Archon of Secrets now marches to war as leader of the Scarlet Chorus. Less an army than a howling mob, the Chorus is like a swarm of bladed locusts that ravages the land — and people — they march over.

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