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The Master (Anthony Ainley)(Adagio Orbire wanabee) tipo de personalidade mbti

The Master (Anthony Ainley)(Adagio Orbire wanabee) tipo de personalidade mbti image


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es The Master (Anthony Ainley)(Adagio Orbire wanabee)? The Master (Anthony Ainley)(Adagio Orbire wanabee) es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 7w8 - sp/so - 738 en enneagram, SCUEI en Big 5, LIE en Socionics."


Manages to steal a Trakenite body to replace his decaying Time Lord one, and expands his plans far beyond just Earth and Gallifrey. From hereon in, he aims to be a constant thorn in the side for the Doctor, encountering him in his Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh incarnations. Of all the Masters, this incarnation seems to have the highest body count, while he pursued immortality, or at least a new set of regenerations, for himself. Anthony Ainley reprised his role one last time for the video game Destiny of the Doctors. Aceasta intrupare a fost adaugata si in setul de 3 Maestrii si in jocul video Doctor Who Pierdut in timp cu un set de 3 Maestrii 1 clasic Tremas si inca 2 din Noul Cine Missy si O Maestrul Spion

Televisão caracteres semelhantes a The Master (Anthony Ainley)(Adagio Orbire wanabee)
