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Klaha tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Klaha? Klaha es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 1w9 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

I am not sure why people are voting him as an "ISFP" because Klaha clearly displays more judging traits than prospecting traits. He would be challenging to type since we know little about his personal life and the language barriers of info about him is also a factor, but we can see how he acts out his functions in the way he answers interviews and some of the brief personal information of him found online. Let's make the "99 Questions Interview" and the "Garnet - Kindan no Sono e-" interview as examples on how he manifests his functions- Si: He tends to remember certain details better that his other band members don't as seen in the Garnet interview-- The word stone isn’t in the lyrics is it? Kl: The word “fragments” is though…this time there’s a feeling of dashing forward in the song, but that’s not all, and it’s not just fun. It’s tied into Malice’s Theme of “what is human?” and amongst the members we said we wanted to express the pleasure received from the sacrifice of something. Like I’m singing in the lyrics, “Once you go you can never return~.” Si-doms tend to be subjective with their experiences with the world compared to Se users who tend to see the world for what it is and Klaha's answer in the question above shows the usage of Si because he tries to recall what he knows and uses it to come up with conclusions with what is in the present. While I refuse to use stereotypical examples of Si, it is obvious that Klaha is into routine since one of his hobbies involve housekeeping [source: https://www.prideofmind.com/masakidata.jpg] and in the 99 Questions Interview, he stated that he is dedicated to manual labor. He also tends to display a sense of sentimentality towards experiences/objects as shown in his solo work and in this answer to one of the 99 Questions: 29. Do you have a favorite vehicle, and for what reason? Klaha: The band car. Because it's exciting as we all go! Te: Due to Te being higher in his function stack, he has to set his personal feelings aside (his shyness being an example) to perform with PoM and MM since Klaha struggled with his shyness and confidence as a performer. In the 99 Questions interview, he tends to answer most questions in a rather straight-forward manner. One of his interests, such as knowing the movement of the stock market, is pretty Te since Te is interested in the external framework and structure. Fi: His goal to reach “the ideal self” is a very tert Fi thing since Fi is a “self-focused” function. When asked about if he can tolerate an unusually precocious child or the exceptionally noisy child in the 99 questions interview, he answered that he can tolerate both since they are both children, which shows that his Fi is matured enough to understand the unaccountability of children. Him stating that he holds fan letters dearly despite not being able to reply is an Fi trait. Ne: "What are part of doing shows that you really like?" Klaha: the sense of tension Judging Klaha’s answer in this question, we can say that Klaha’s Ne has matured a bit considering he is around his late 20’s to early 30’s when he was in Malice Mizer. Ne in ISTJ’s will start to assert itself around their 20’s and will mature around their 30’s-40’s. Although, his inferior Ne can also be observed when he was asked about why he cannot give the answer about the part in Garnet’s lyrics about “not being able to return”: “Right. Even I can’t write the answer. I’ve rarely written lyrics where there is no ending part to the composition and development, but I thought it should express the expectation of going somewhere when I wrote them. I’d like you to use your imagination.” Klaha is unsure of the possibilities due to his lack of experience, compared to Mana whose Ne is higher in his function stack– he is much more sure about the possibilities of what those lines meant by stating that “everyone must’ve had their own image of what is forbidden”. Feel free to share more information about Klaha, ask questions about my vote, or correct any information I presented in this analysis. I am looking forward for it!


Masaki Haruna (Japanese: 春名 真樹, Hepburn: Haruna Masaki, born May 3, 1970), known professionally as Klaha, is a Japanese former singer-songwriter. He is best known as third vocalist of the visual kei rock band Malice Mizer from 2000 to 2001. He was previously in the 1990s new wave band Pride of Mind, and started a solo career after leaving Malice Mizer.

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