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Peter Keating tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Peter Keating? Peter Keating es un tipo de personalidad ESFJ en mbti, 3w2 - so/sx - 369 en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

Peter Keating is an unhealthy ESFJ. People may argue that his struggle towards his goals using any method is Te (typical for ESTJ), but in reality, Te users aren't as selfless as Fe users. In addition, a typical Te user may take ADVANTAGE from the jobs, but Fe are more plausible to MOVE INTO the jobs. For Keating, making himself to become accepted in society is MORE important than personal gains of money or fame. Cognitive function: Fe is clearly shown since he cares a lot about how people around him feel about him, especially how he gives up his dream of being an artist to become an architect to satisfy his mother's views. It can also be seen as he pushes himself to go forward and better as an architect to meet the expectation from others. Like normal ESFJs, Keating appears to be very winsome and fair in front of others and handling customers or social events. Si: Keating follows customs and traditions established by his predecessor who designed conventional buildings. His Si makes him doubt and contradict with Roark's free minded ideas on building. This also makes him "listen to" what Toohey suggests him to do, since he depends on him (as someone who is already famous). Even towards the end, he realizes his downfall, but his Si makes him continue doing what he was following for years. Unhealthy ESFJ attributes: Keating is suspicious of relationships. He might appear to be sportive with everyone, but deep inside, he has many suspicions against people. This can be shown when he appears to be good with the Heyer of Francon company's partner, but he finds information against the Heyer and threatens to adjure the company, making him the partner of Francon in the company. Keating is also prone to criticisms. As an architect (and a Fe user), he cares a lot about criticisms from others. But because he is an unhealthy ESFJ, the part is magnified. He is easily saddened when learning that he is not getting commissions and gives up his own values to please others in order to gain popularity and money (This is an extreme Fe). These unhealthy ESFJs like him are insecure about their ability and often results in disappointment and lack of character strengths, contradicting with Roark's free minded-ness and care for nothing. His insecurity and weakness in character make him fall into the circle of Toohey. (Again showing his unhealthy Fe dom). Furthermore, adding onto Keating's suspicion in relationships, he constantly flips-flops from relationships to relationships. He abandons the marriage and love of him and Catherine because of his lack of self-assuredness and courage. He manipulates people around him to be more courageous and secure while having the constant fear that he is not competent.

