1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Anime e mangá
  3. Kuutei Dragons

Vannie tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Vannie? Vannie es un tipo de personalidad ISTJ en mbti, 1w9 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."


Vannie or Vanabelle (ヴァナベル) as a cool and calm personality. She is a considerable drinker, but she has a delicate side. She has an introvert mindset who questions herself with deep and rarely emotional thoughts of the purpose of why hunting dragons has the importance for herself and her crew members. She rarely or never show her emotional side but rarely or sometimes talks to people that she deeply appreciates to talk to.

Anime e mangá caracteres semelhantes a Vannie
