Goofy tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Goofy? Goofy es un tipo de personalidad ENFP en mbti, 7w6 - so/sx - 792 en enneagram, SLUAI en Big 5, ESE en Socionics."

Why Se? His whole thing is that he is clumsy and unaware of his surroundings, and he lives in his own excitable little world rather than present sensations. Having Ne doesn't automatically make you smart- and Goody does love to try new things, he follows whatever someone recommends to him because he simply likes to try something new and see how it goes.


Goofy is one of the world's most iconic cartoon characters and the third member of Walt Disney's quintessential Power Trio, along with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. One of the most noted qualities of Goofy's slapstick humor lies in the fact that when he does something guaranteed to result in hilarity ensues (which is just about everything he does), there is a blatantly obvious outcome as to how it will go wrong - for example, falling off a ledge or crashing into something. The obvious outcome should never be the end of it and must in itself lead to disaster dominoes that the audience did not see coming. Also he's a dog.
