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Volks tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Volks? Volks es un tipo de personalidad ISTP en mbti, 6w5 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

I am down bad, 💀 .... Anyway I had a feeling he was ISXP when I first saw him— Not just the stereotype but from the way he presents himself, he seems to use his energy in a more introverted fashion and also I think his Se-Ni is fairly solid. He didn’t seem to have any case of subjective sensing nor extroverted intuition on him but I can see how he is more on the chill side of Se where he kinda just goes with the flow and perceives things the way they are in order for him to survive. I initially thought Fi-Te was a definitive possibility, but idk I think it’s pretty clear his feeling function isn’t that high hahaha. ISFPs, with Fi being their highest function, can definitely be harsh and sardonic but they wouldn’t be ashamed of their own feelings. That just contradicts the idea of Fi. It also seems that even if it’s very discreet and unnoticeable, he focuses more on what other people feel (Fe) VS other people’s status in a surface level (Te). When he mentions Bearverly (if you haven’t played Crush Crush, it’s the bear he was fighting when you first met lol), he says that if you mention what she did with her pups, she gets too awkward to say anything. I also don’t think he has much of a moral compass LMAO. He suggests tying up someone at some point so that you guys could raise the speed of the rollercoaster


A gruff loner that was turned into a wolf.

Videogames caracteres semelhantes a Volks
