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Amy Rose tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Amy Rose? Amy Rose es un tipo de personalidad ESFJ en mbti, 2w3 - so/sp - 279 en enneagram, SLOAN en Big 5, ESE en Socionics."

Why 2w3 instead of 2w1? Fe> Fi Amy is completely dependent on the emotions and values ​​of others so much that she loses control of her own, she feels the need to have someone by her side all the time, even in her conversations there is always a us, never a me. Making a good impression is everything to her Si>Ni yes because she never theorizes or makes assumptions about anything, neither in her head I believe, nor externally, and above all she has not planned anything in an abstract way Ne tertiary: episode 5 of the first season is a proof of her poorly developed NE, he only trusts her perceptions, she doesn't seem to understand what is a good or a bad IDEA Ti inf. unable to analyze personal problems or with her other relationships due to his misuse of TI.


Amy is a kind person at heart (albeit a bit bossy), almost always showing kindness to everyone around her (unless you tick her off, in which case she'll let you know it). Don't mistake that compassion for incapability, though— she's the backbone of Team Sonic, and she can fight just as well as the others, courtesy of a really big hammer.

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