1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Desenhos animados
  3. Harvey Girls Forever

Richie Rich tipo de personalidade mbti


"¿Qué tipo de personalidad es Richie Rich? Richie Rich es un tipo de personalidad ENTP en mbti, 3w2 - - en enneagram, en Big 5, en Socionics."

His dominant function can be seen since his first appearance, when his whole personality is based on improvements, ideas and predicting the future (Ne). For example, on the episode where Frufru pretends to be a fortune teller, the first thing he asks her is which project he should invest to bring more profits. Another example for his Ti is the development of his Fe, he clearly couldn't handle the "Feeling monster".


Desenhos animados caracteres semelhantes a Richie Rich
