1. Gente y Personajes
  2. Television

Downton Abbey (2010) tipo de personalidade mbti

Qual é o tipo de personalidade de seus personagens favoritos de Downton Abbey (2010)?

Downton Abbey (2010)

Downton Abbey (2010)

Downton Abbey is a historical period drama television. It first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and on PBS in the United States on 9 January 2011 as part of the Masterpiece Classic anthology.The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country estate of Downton Abbey between 1912 and 1926, depicts the lives of the aristocratic Crawley family and their domestic servants in the post-Edwardian era—with the great events in history having an effect on their lives and on the British social hierarchy.

Tipo de personalidade de Downton Abbey (2010) atores

O que é o tipo de personalidade de Downton Abbey (2010) atores? Os atores Downton Abbey (2010) têm o mesmo tipo de personalidade que seus personagens.

Tipo de personalidade de Downton Abbey (2010) criadores

Quais personalidades criadas Downton Abbey (2010)?
