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Ashneer Grover type de personnalité MBTI

Ashneer Grover type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Ashneer Grover? Ashneer Grover est un type de personnalité ESTJ dans MBTI, 3w4 - so/sp - 385 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, LSE dans Socionics."

The Gordon Ramsay of Shark Tank! He has a distaste for abstract (N), he does not care for potential or possibilities rather his thinking is very concrete & grounded (S) and if you ask me rightfully so (i.e. agar tu ITO kein bahar ik fruit ka thela kholta aur normal juice bechta toh isse jayda dhanda karta, band kar de, barbaad ho jayga). I am split between core E1 and E6, but definitely not core E3, SX3 are flamboyant but mostly pleasers, SP3 are modest, hardworking and compliant which fits for Piyush Bansal while SO3 is openly vain and chameleon-like they knows how to play both sides. Ashneer on the other hand is very rigid, judgemental and reactive, he'll tear you down with facts and will not care how he'll come across while doing so, and statements like: "tera doglapan nikal ta hun" or "You said you are a Research Analyst, toh aapki maths to acchi hogi, toh mujhe ik baat bata...". this is SX1 in play, he is always looking to poke you. SX1 is a countertype, they are prone to outbursts and focused on correcting others than perfecting themselves. likely to be hypocrites. smart guy nonetheless.


Ashneer Grover is the Founder & Managing Director of Bharat Pe, he is currently a shark on the show Shark Tank India (Reality show inspired by an American television reality-show).

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