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  3. People of Classic Hollywood

Montgomery Clift type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Montgomery Clift? Montgomery Clift est un type de personnalité INFP dans MBTI, 4w5 - - dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

91 O 59 C 27 E 59 A 100 N Main trait is high Neuroticism: Sensitive, tormented, intense, troubled, vulnerable, melancholic, pensive. Openness is probably quite high: Complex, artistic, contemplative, thoughtful, poetic. Extraversion seems to be on the low side: Introspective, reserved, reclusive.


Edward Montgomery Clift (October 17, 1920 – July 23, 1966)— yes, that was his real name — was one of the most prominent actors in Hollywood in the 1950s. He was known for playing sensitive, brooding young men and tortured loners in an era where most leading men were avatars of square-jawed machismo. He was one of the pioneers in bringing Method Acting to American movie screens, along with his contemporary, Marlon Brando. His sexuality was long a matter of speculation. Taylor, who called him her closest friend and confidant, stated that he was gay. Taylor also said, "Monty could've been the biggest star in the world if he did more movies." He reportedly turned down starring roles in East of Eden and Sunset Boulevard.

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