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Sorcerer type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Sorcerer? Sorcerer est un type de personnalité INTJ dans MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 594 dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, ILI dans Socionics."

Sorcerers in most rpg I played is distinct from the mage archetype. The classic mage would be INTP, bursty single target damage just like the Wizard in everquest 2. Sorcerers on the other hand have deeper mana pool, has some defensive/support abilities and requires mana management... need to think things through and how much mana should be spent overtime... long term mana management haha. I think sorcerers damage is just average but high in area of effect and utility. crowd controls, sleeps, stuns, grouping mobs together, rooting enemies, stealing mana, etc. Additionaly they can use some mana-based shields that consumes mana instead of HP. what it means is Sorcerers are fcking insanely good on guild wars, territory wars, farming/grinding, group pvp and solo content. it's quite similar to the "Enchanter" in Log horizon.


The Inherent Gift Magician. This magic-user was born with abilities they don't need to study, and can use more readily than other magicians. This is sometimes explained as being descended from a magical creature, other times as being part of a Witch Species. However, they are often much less versatile than other magic-users, being limited to a smaller or much more tightly-themed pool of spells. Commonly, their powers manifest at adolescence.
