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Asuka R. Kreutz “That Man” type de personnalité MBTI

Asuka R. Kreutz “That Man” type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Asuka R. Kreutz “That Man”? Asuka R. Kreutz “That Man” est un type de personnalité INFJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 153 dans Enneagram, RLOAI dans Big 5, IEI dans Socionics."

He's praying for the accumulation of goodwill...most INFJ sentiment in the world. Besides that he's just a little too soft, polite, gentle, awkward, and sensitive to the harshness in the world to be INTJ. Characters remark on how his crimes vs his demeanor don't match up at all. I-no says he could stand to be scarier. People who interact with him can tell he's actually a good person. The way he leaks about himself to the press to be transparent to the people? INFJ move. There is no logical reason to do that, and it actually goes against his plans. Functions wise you can tell he's an INFJ with overdeveloped Ti and suppressed Fe because it bothers him enough to mention it more than once: his disconnect with communicating with people. It's a sensitive area for him. If he was INTJ he wouldn't be so bothered by that. In fact most INTJs don't mind if people misinterpret them, or if people get pissed off at them, calling that a "Them problem" (or not even realizing...) cause they have Fi...So long as their plans are progressing, and it isn't their close circle. Look on the INFJ subreddit and at least once a week someone is complaining about disconnect with society/people lol. (Yet still caring about humanity immensely, which Asuka does) Ni-Ti loop so bad he isolates too much and reaches bad conclusions about what to do with the people he loves. Just go ahead and talk and apologize already...If INFJs make bad actions that cause warcrimes it's usually because of this and the suppressed Fe. He be sacrificing his own needs and martyring himself. Arcade mode is just him trying to figure himself out. SO Fe it hurts. Fe needs outside perspective to understand themselves properly. So in conclusion: super smart guy, still INFJ. Bonus: He raises succulents as a hobby, every INFJ has one succulent I don't make the rules /hj


That Man/Asuka R. Kreutz, also referred to as the Gear Maker, is a major character in the Guilty Gear series. He is the creator of the Gears and Justice, and the target of Sol Badguy's revenge. He has three servants: Raven, I-No, and Jack-O' Valentine, who frequently act on his behalf while he remains behind the scenes. Despite being heavily relevant to the series. Asuka made his playable debut in Guilty Gear -Strive-, as the final character of season pass 2. Under 22 years since his reveal. While he is choosable, the player can also choose a duplicate of him called Asuka R♯, which is used in promotional material.

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