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Deborah type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Deborah? Deborah est un type de personnalité ENFJ dans MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 378 dans Enneagram, SCOEI dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

There is no way she can be a Se. It is not impulsive (the main feature of this function). She is not driven to test people because she is bored, she is driven to her success. She doesn't simplify her goals, she just does what is necessary to achieve them, whatever the cost. I just don't accept an argument of "she thinks, she made a plan. Ti aux." Please consider things other than the Ti qi 1000 stereotype, please. So then we got to something, ENTJ or ENFJ, after all? She looks very Te, right? In fact, she looks VERY Fe and Te, she has Ni that everyone agrees with. So ... Why not consider the inferior function? That would be the point that we would be able to distinguish which type is hers, just as ENTP and INTP do 'cause they are similar. +++++


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