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Leo Cristophe type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Leo Cristophe? Leo Cristophe est un type de personnalité ESFJ dans MBTI, - so/sx - 126 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, dans Socionics."

ENFJ and ESFJ are both solid choices. But I think he doesn't appear enough to correctly define what his personality type is. The only reason I picked ESFJ was because of Si. Leo has a sense of honor and duty. The only reason he serves Gestahl is because he feels the need to honor his homeland of Vector, the capital city of the Gestahl Empire. I don't see the Ni in him. If he were an ENFJ he probably would have known that Kefka was going to do something evil during the Doma Castle raid. I definitely see the Fe in him, especially in the scene on the boat where he talks to Terra about emotions. (Sorry if I seemed harsh on Si users I didn't mean to compare.)


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