Doumeki Parker type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Doumeki Parker? Doumeki Parker est un type de personnalité ISTP dans MBTI, 5w4 - sp/so - 594 dans Enneagram, dans Big 5, SLI dans Socionics."

Pretty sure these INTP votes are just N bias I guess? Her interest deals with the real and much more "Se" than "Ne". She deals in the real world focusing on sounds and perfecting her one craft aka ISTP > INTP. Compare her to Midori and the difference should be very obvious. Midori dreams up wild worlds and inventions and each episode is just chock-full of all the random ideas going through her mind (Ne). Doumeki chills in her room and is just sound sound sound working with what her senses tell her. People miss a lot of ISTPs because of stereotypes and expecting them to be some grungy/edgy and disagreeable individual (tho there is a lil bit of grunge with her more tomboyish appearance).


Doumeki Parker (百目鬼・パーカー) is the only member of the Audio Club. She joined the club solely to gain access to their large collection of recordings. Though she ends up having to give up part of the records stored to the Student Council for it was taking up too much space. Doumeki agrees to assist the Motion Picture Club by becoming their sound design adviser and by supplying them with sound effects from her club's library. In exchange, the Film Club lets her have a part of their club building, giving her a room to keep what remained of her collection as well as a place to stay.

Anime et manga caractères similaires à Doumeki Parker
