Tsubame Mizusaki type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Tsubame Mizusaki? Tsubame Mizusaki est un type de personnalité ESFP dans MBTI, 7w6 - sx/so - 729 dans Enneagram, SCUAI dans Big 5, ESE dans Socionics."

(1/2) Key Mizusaki quotes: [After Sayaka asks her if she's considered that her vision for animation is too technical for people to understand]: "But the people who can understand do, y'know? Everyone does it. Think about how pretty it is when a goldfish's tail is fluttering. Or swirls of cherry blossom petals.. dancing, too! That's all a performance of motion! [After Sayaka asks if anime is another way to appreciate movement]: "I'd say it's the best way to appreciate it!" "It can be a pretty subtle movement, without a lot of exaggeration, but the fact that someone had to draw it out in order to make it move gives it a bigger impact. That's the difference from live action. Think about a rocket. The rocket itself isn't the cool part. [Midori interjects saying it is] Well, yeah, but what I'm saying is.. the trail and clouds of smoke it gives off are all part of why it's cool! Which is why this won't cut it! You want a long shot, like this! Then a close-up! An then.. the.. [Midori says 'nozzle's skit'] You see that vibrate! You see all of this white smoke coming from the rocket, spreading and billowing outwards, and depending on the location, it shakes like it's a solid shape!" --> "The shake of the security camera! And as it starts to life, the angle of the rocket and its exhaust stop being vertical! It continues to expel smoke! **'This is the coolest part of a rocket!' You've got to make the art give that kind of feeling! Then it's like, 'Yeah, you really get it! I don't know who you are, or where you are, but I appreciate your attention to detail!' That's why I want to make animation.** [To Sayaka]: "Would you prefer if I said, 'I want to make lots of people smile with my anime!'?" --> ***"There might be someone out there dying to see the vibrations of a chainsaw. I want to see the teeth of the chainsaw jump around, and those kinds of details are how I'll survive. Even if most people don't appreciate it, I have to do it for myself! I have to proclaim 'Here I am!' to the people who can appreciate each individual movement!"*** Relevant clips: Clip 1 (passion conversation): https://youtu.be/xcElFRSjZqU?si=WIxu_dSp4ZpoALUx Clip 2 (Mizusaki's background): https://youtu.be/NTp4DF-4OYo?si=RIlscaCWqHN5NMVM _______________________ Mizusaki is a hardworking, passionate sp 3 (countertype/counter-vain) and not an E7. The goal of E7 is to distraction oneself from negative emotions, particularly boredom or fear. Sx7s do so by embellishing reality with a fantasy or external ideal, so 7s do so by sacrificing their immediate desires and/or doing services that benefit humanity, and sp 7s do so by creating alliances and doing activities of shared interest. Mizusaki does not distract herself from negative emotions, rather she works towards being the best animator she can be. From the sp 3 PDB wiki summary (which you can read here: https://wiki.personality-database.com/books/enneagram/page/self-preservation-3-in-detail): "Vanity in the Preservation Sphere When Vanity gets distorted by the self-preservation instinct, E3 becomes worried with his safety and conservation, manifesting vanity into believing he's productive, responsible, and "good" – it is deceitful not for the sake of prestige and status like SOC3, or for its ability to be attractive and desirable like SX3, but "to get what they think will give them the security they hunger for."[1] Every E3 sells an image, but this subtype sells the idea of someone who apparently doesn't care about their image; they avoid being self-assuming and often portray themselves as reliable, helpful and hard-working individuals. In this aspect, their motto is: 'There is no problem without a solution'. The doing is constant, the agenda never ends. The underlying thought is that if the agenda ends 'I do not exist'. He is a person who is constantly busy with something, is not able to stop being alone without something to tie his mind and hands. There is no contact with himself: 'My being is the doing". This is a source of suffering because it wants to be recognized by itself... but in reality, there is no self. There is what he does.[2] Ichazo called SP3 'Security', a need for security, power, money and position[3], which then results in a preference for being efficient that leads to them identifying themselves through what they produce.[4] Naranjo described it as an individual who ends up confusing being as appearing reliable, becoming unaware of his motivations and identifying himself with his roles, behaviours and performances.[4]" ____ Mizusaki also suits the sp 3 trait structure well, especially the following traits: To be the best and be useful, Self-sufficiency, Hyperactivity, Helpful compulsion, The banishment of error, Self-perfecting, Order, Self-demand, Knowing How to Sell. Mizusaki comes to me as an archetypal sp 3 > E7.


Tsubame Mizusaki (水崎ツバメ) is Asakusa’s classmate who is a charismatic amateur model and is famous in the school. She is expected to be an actress in the future as both of her parents are actors, but she actually wants to be an animator and is especially good at capturing the motion of characters. As Mizusaki has been banned from joining Anime Club by her parents, she joins Eizoken instead and starts to create anime together with Asakusa and Kanamori. She has a different sense of money from the two of them as she comes from a rich family.

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