Jep Gambardella type de personnalité MBTI


"Quel type de personnalité est Jep Gambardella? Jep Gambardella est un type de personnalité ENTP dans MBTI, 4w5 - sx/sp - dans Enneagram, SLUEI dans Big 5, ILE dans Socionics."

He is clearly an ENTP. The fact that he says that he is “destined for sensibility” might be confusing but he enjoys being in crowded places and having a meaningful life. He’s level of pretension sayin that he is the king of mediocrity is a good indicator of that. The fact that he plays the victim role and is a romantic doesn’t make him automatically a feeler. A good example of he being clearly an ENTP is his conversation with Viola. He makes her shut up without caring about her feelings. I have many friends INFPs and i bet they’d have kept that for themselves.


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