Jep Gambardella MBTI性格类型


"Jep Gambardella是什么人格? Jep Gambardella是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sx/sp - ,五大类型中的SLUEI,Socionics中ILE类型。"

He is clearly an ENTP. The fact that he says that he is “destined for sensibility” might be confusing but he enjoys being in crowded places and having a meaningful life. He’s level of pretension sayin that he is the king of mediocrity is a good indicator of that. The fact that he plays the victim role and is a romantic doesn’t make him automatically a feeler. A good example of he being clearly an ENTP is his conversation with Viola. He makes her shut up without caring about her feelings. I have many friends INFPs and i bet they’d have kept that for themselves.


类似Jep Gambardella的电影角色
