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Frank Cotton type de personnalité MBTI

Frank Cotton type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Frank Cotton? Frank Cotton est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 872 dans Enneagram, SLUEI dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

8's vice is literally lust, which yeah I know is meant to be metaphorical but in this case, it's both. Sure while 7s can be kinky ass bastards who want more when it comes to sex, they would act more cautiously and have a tendency to see such things with more idealism and passion rather than just pure physical pleasure (an example would be Hisoka from HxH) not to mention he constantly desired both power and dominance over his environment as well as just the ability to act on his own will and regard. Also, this description especially explains his relationship with Julia super well (from this source btw: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OldVmCIcV3sCbojWJPGc_d4NsWjdJ3MV7wIV1bYdIwY/edit) "SX 8: Possession + Delivery Lust is manifested in a total possession of the partner of which they demand unquestioned and absolute delivery to the other. In women, this commitment is seen more than possession, even though it is a devouring delivery, not easily differentiated from possession, as it demands from the other the same they give. There is no shame about this desire, that they go for what they want, guided by instinct with an overwhelming nuance. Possession involves pleasure from their own power, dominance, submission of the other. The fear of being dominated leads them to a dominating presence, from which love may be confused with possession. Desire is finding someone so valuable that they deserve to become part of me and confirm their worth, someone to incorporate and merge themselves with without losing their identity. This possession would confirm this fusion and would allow for their need of delivery to be satisfied."


The decrepit soul who started it all. Frank believed he had felt all the pleasures the world could offer him, until he found a mysterious puzzle box on a trek through India. Upon solving it, he was whisked off to the Cenobite realm to experience the so called "Ultimate pleasure". And after years of this "Ultimate pleasure" he wants out.
