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Arthur King "Malcolm Merlyn" type de personnalité MBTI

Arthur King "Malcolm Merlyn" type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Arthur King "Malcolm Merlyn"? Arthur King "Malcolm Merlyn" est un type de personnalité ENTJ dans MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - dans Enneagram, RCOEI dans Big 5, EIE dans Socionics."

I do love his character. Malcolm Merlyn is an almost stereotypical ENTJ. He has classic tendencies of taking care of the people around him EVEN if they don't want him to. Taking care of Thea and doing what he believes in necessary is his classic inferior Fe. He has many problems dealing with people and their feelings more than anything. His nature of running the League of Assassins through smooth and rough shows his Te-Ni. He has a constant vision and is willing to do what is necessary to keep it running efficiently and smoothly. His enneagram is also 1w9 because he has to feel in control of the aspects of order in his life. Unlike an 8 though, he cares that is ordered correctly. 8's hate being controlled but 1's fear being defective. They hate to feel that they have to be unjustified. They want to be improving themselves and their environment around them. He also leans into a 9 wing because he wants his group to be correct and right. His goal in life it to correctly lead the League of Assassins and if it's not them it's his business, and if it's not that it's Thea. He needs things to be run perfectly. If you disagree please inform me. I love more information. Thank you. Have a great day everybody!


Malcolm Merlyn

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