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Bryan Fury type de personnalité MBTI

Bryan Fury type de personnalité MBTI image


"Quel type de personnalité est Bryan Fury? Bryan Fury est un type de personnalité ESTP dans MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 873 dans Enneagram, RLUEN dans Big 5, SLE dans Socionics."

Bryan Fury is a total pleasure seeker focused on the tangible/concrete reality. He is like the *extreme* usage of Se over all the cognitive functions, adrenaline seeker, pleasure seeker, concrete enjoyment seeker and constantly desiring the strongest sensation through adrenaline and near-death experiences. ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORAsXDBiE6k Extraverted Sensation Type 🔥) 1. He merely desires the strongest sensation, and this, by his very nature, he can receive only from without 2. But the more sensation predominates, so that the [p. 460] sensing subject disappears behind the sensation, the more unsatisfactory does this type become. Either he develops into a crude pleasure-seeker or he becomes an unscrupulous, designing sybarite. Although the object is entirely indispensable to him, yet, as something existing in and through itself, it is none the less depreciated. It is ruthlessly violated and essentially ignored, since now its sole use is to stimulate sensation. 3. His love is incontestably rooted in the manifest attractions of the object. In so far as he is normal, he is conspicuously adjusted to positive reality -- conspicuously, because his adjustment is always visible. His ideal is the actual; in this respect he is considerate. He has no ideals related to ideas -- he has, therefore, no sort of ground for maintaining a hostile attitude towards the reality of things and facts. ~ Carl Jung, Psychological Types Also, he does not have ANY moral judgement at all (I can't see neither Fi-aux, neither Fe-tert). Nothing stops him from having his "delicious sensation". This can happen when a personality focus so much on the dominant function that forgets all the other ones. Bryan Fury is pretty unbalanced. His focus on Se was so strong that he did not developed any morals. On the story, Yoshimitsu found Bryan unconscious during Tekken 4 and brought him to Bosconovitch, who prolonged his life, saving him. However, Bryan in return mercilessly betrayed and killed several Manji clan members and assaulted Dr. Bosconovitch. 🤡 Bryan is almost a pure Jungian "Extraverted Sensation Type", without any judgement functions at all. Hey Carl Jung, we just discovered a "Pure Type".



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